
which service is right for you?

Private Group Experience

I am Traveling through Southern Utah and want to have a surreal group experience.

Experience locations provided by SOLRAY will be OUTDOORS near Zion Canyon National Park

Experience location provided by you(i.e. airbnb or rental property, with permissions in place) $30 discount on overall price.

Groups of 2-12 people / $32-$125 per person / addtional people is an additional price

Select your group experience from the menu

Resorts and Vacation Rentals

I am looking for something unique, something brand new! to add to the overall guest experience at my luxury resort or vacation rental.

Luxury Outdoor Experiences

If you are looking to wow guests and be the talk of the town this is a great place to start!

Now catering to Southern Utah and surrounding areas. Nevada, Southern California, Northern Arizona.

Resorts receive a flat rate on experience bookings. Flat rates depend on the type of experience booked. Travel fees and associated costs are separate.

1- Select experiences here

2- Submit proposal here

Unique Private Spa Treatments

Interested in alternative healing treatments but don’t know where to start?

  • Reiki Treatment

  • Reiki Empowered Biofeedback Treatment

These unique treatments are one of a kind designed by SOLRAY! With 15 years of experience and continued education.

Clients will experience something entirely new and leave feeling like their absolute best selves! Making space in the body and mind to have an awesome vacation that you will be sure to hear about in your reviews.

Request spa services here

Retreats and events hosted by you

Get a personalized plan and regular check-ins to help you reach your goals.

Book SOLRAY for your Retreat, Event, Festival or Special Occasion .

-Book SOLRAY for one or multiple outdoor experiences + healing treatments.

-Book SOLRAY as a co-host, workshop leader or speaker.

-Book SOLRAY as your local guide to having a successful retreat in Southern Utah.

-All of the above!

Customize and Collaborate set up a call today!


Retreats and events hosted by solray

All Inclusive Luxury Healing Experiences in Southern Utah near Zion National Park.

southern Utah events and retreats

Aerial Yoga, Breathwork Journeys, Reiki Healings, Hikes, Shadow Work, Healers, Guides, Deep Human Connections, High End Resorts, Glamping and so so much more! Remarkable experiences and core memories are made here with SOLRAY at Zion Canyon National Park!

Upcoming retreats here

Upcoming events here

Private Energy Healing Treatments for the Individual

Uniquely designed treatments only available with
SOLR + Aerial Yoga