ENergy Healing treatment

Usui & Karuna Reiki Master Practitioner and Teacher MArySHae Walker

Reiki Healing

Your session includes:

Reiki Healing, Chakra Balancing, Crystal Therapy, Sound Therapy and Cord Cutting. Utilizing 15 years of experience and continued education to create a unique treatment just for you.

A Simply Beautiful Experience For Relaxation.

Reiki Empowered Biofeedback

Experience Reiki like never before!

Pairing modern technology with ancient universal wisdom. The power of frequency medicine is here with applied techniques customized to your bodies optimal function. Combining the frequency of Reiki with AO scan technology.

The future of medicine is frequency and the future is now!

First session includes: Take-home harmonic frequencies, Imprinted clear quartz crystal, handmade bath flower tea bag and 3 detailed interactive body scan reports sent right to your email. Plus every session includes:

Reiki Healing, Customized Biofeedback, Chakra Balancing, Crystal Therapy, Sound Therapy, Cord Cutting, Clear Quartz Imprint.